Saturday, May 21, 2011

Viking Fest Road Race.

Run! Run Run! I slept terribly last night. I didn't think I would be that nervous for the race this morning, but I was. I woke up at one point from the rain! The rain that wasn't supposed to be here until late tonight. The weather was actually perfect for running. Above 50 and cloudy. I actually like to run in the sun even if it isn't warm... just as an excuse to wear sunglasses. See, I have super watery eyes and people often think I'm sad or in pain most of the time.... I'm not! Just have watery eyes. 

I woke up early to prep for the race. I needed everything to go right so that I could build up some confidence for the half marathon.

I think I've found the perfect pre-race food. About 2 hrs before eat some lovely plain oats! 
1 glass of water before eating:
1/4C Oats 
1/4C Almond Milk 
1/4 C H20
1 Banana
1Tbs Chia Seeds
1/2Tbs Almond butter
1/2 Tbs Peanut butter
With a cup of Mint tea (I'm thinking some green tea might be good for the tiny caffeine kick)
Followed by 1 glass of water.

Half hour before the race eat a date with a smidge of peanut butter

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do during the race though. After five miles I definitely needed something to eat. I'm thinking about using some sort of a fanny pack thingy to hold maybe a water bottle and some goo or a shot Blok

I'll be getting water at every station that is provided that is for sure! This one only had the one hydration spot at the halfway mark. I need to work on my drinking while running action...

I felt great about this run. I ran the entire way! Hooray! At every single hill I said to myself... Conquer it! And I totally did! My goal for this race was to finish as close to 50 minutes as possible. I told my parents who were going to be at the finish line that I'd be there around 55.... guess what?! My finish time was exactly 50:00:16! I am sooooo happy. I really wish I could have made it under 50, but I still feel great about this finish!

Either I am running at lightning fast speed or my Mom jiggled the camera!

Almost at the finish!

I past that couple!

So glad my Mom and Dad were at the finish for me! really makes all the difference!

My Aunt Dawn also ran the race! Go Family!

Post race OJ! 
A great way to recover! Mix of protein and carbs. Delicious.

Do you see me?!
Look at all the people who finished after me!
Thanks for taking the photos Mamma!
After I got home from the race the parade started setting up on my street.

Megan came to watch with me!
And so did Ashley!
Once upon a time I was on the Jr high drill team....
Vikings are scary!
Even though we weren't technically on the parade route they still practiced their candy handing out skills! 
I am so happy about how the race went today. I can't believe that only a little while ago a Doctor was telling me to quit running because of my shin injury and today I ran 5 miles straight! I'd say that is a success!

Today my brother Joe was also involved in a race! His involved a bicycle. He road 106 miles!!! From Portland, Oregon to Pacific City, Oregon in a race called Reach the Beach. I just got off the phone with him and he said he totally rocked it! Go Team Michelson! :)

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