Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stop Teasing me Sunshine!

I upload a lot of pictures. I didn't realize how many until yesterday when I hit my free limit! So you better believe that from now on my posts will ALWAYS have photos because I'm paying $5 a year for more storage space! Although I think it is sort of ridiculous I have fun going back through and looking at photos and my journaling thoughts.... which is something else I did yesterday. 

My cousin Rebecca gave me the idea that I should link back to my book recommendations from my book list! Well it would have been really difficult to go back and do it on the main screen, so instead I created a new page up at the top where you can click on a book title and see what I thought about it in my original post. A found a few that aren't working right now, but I think most of them are (still a work in progress!).

It was really fun to go through almost all of my posts from last year. It made me really miss how into reading I was. It also made me realize that I haven't reviewed all the books that I've read yet! Somehow I just skipped the last few from 2010 and even a few from this year! I plan to go back and fix that! It is nice for me to be able to go back and see what I thought.

I had a great PT appointment today. I've been having a lot of pain in my arches the past few days. Almost like a charlie horse, but not quite. So he fitted me for a pair of insoles to test out. If they work then I may get the expensive orthotics (I'm on my parent's health insurance until February and they will pay for 90%). He also used an infrared light therapy on my leg. Tomorrow I run in the orthotics... wish me luck!
I'm trying to figure out ways to stay get full in the morning.
So I tried whisking in an egg into my oats this morning!
The eggy oats
1/4 C Rolled Oats
1/4 C H20
1/4 C Unsweetened Soy Milk
1 T Chia
1 Farmer's Market Egg added at the end!
My most royal linen... a week late.
 Topped with a half a sliced banana, homemade granola and peanuts.
This was a smaller portion than I usually make, but kept me pretty full.
Brew Master Bruce!
My Dad is brewing up some Hefeweizen for my nephew's first birthday in June!
I made the guys a lunch of ABBJ (Almond Butter, Banana and Jelly!)
And snacked on a half a sandwich for my lunch!
When I work in the afternoon my entire routine is a mishmash so I ate dinner really late!
Kind of a weird creation...
I whisked an egg and poured it into the pan and let it set like an omelet.
When it was almost set I placed a corn tortilla on top.
Then Flipped and cooked for a few more minutes.
Then filled it like a taco!
Turned out pretty good!
I walked to work today because the weather was so great!
I'm really missing summer right now.
I usually enjoy every season, but I am literally craving summer.
I'm sick of being teased!

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