Wednesday, May 25, 2011

That Just happened.

This is a sad story.

Hold your breath.

Prepare yourself mentally for what I'm about to tell you.

The tests are in.

The food allergies have been 'discovered.'

It's what you expected only worse. ;)

Well maybe not what you expected, I wont pretend to be privy to your thoughts. I should say it is what I expected.

Yesterday when I went to see my naturopath we went over a bunch of things but the biggie was the food allergy test. Basically what he told me was that the test was inconclusive. Meaning I didn't spike too high on anything. What he also said was that I am a 'low reactor,' which means that I although I didn't react dangerously high on any one food item (thank goodness!) that because most everything was low, the ones that were moderate are actually foods that I could have reactions to (not anaphylactic or anything, feeling crappy). I'm not sure if I'm restating it all correctly, but what I know is that he highlighted some foods that I should steer clear of and some that I should probably think about eliminating from my diet.

So basically what he told me was no:
Beef... awe shucks! ;)
No dairy, except whey, butter and duck eggs.
He also recommended I stop eating gluten for a few months to see how my body feels because I did react higher on the gluten and wheat. He said I would probably feel a ton better and never want to go back. umm... has he ever had Central Market pizza?

All of that I can handle. I didn't eat meat before and have been dairy free for over a month and really happy with it. The gluten freeness will be annoying but I feel pretty prepared because I've done so much research for my Mom that I'm pretty well informed.

Here's the toughies...

My second highest (after beef and tied with eggs) was ALMONDS! Are you kidding me?! If you've read my blog for more than a week you know how obsessed I've become with almonds and almond butter. I seriously have an addiction. I could probably survive without it since I only discovered my love a few short months ago, but I'm also supposed to avoid peanuts! My two favorite things. *sigh*

After he went through the first page he went on to the second. I don't know what I would do if he would have told me I shouldn't eat bananas.

What he did say was, "Do you like beer?"

I said, gasp! "Yeah...."

He said, "Maybe you could learn to like wine."

I shed a tear and said... probably not as much as I like beer.

Brewers yeast is on my avoid list, as is the gluten in the barley.

So to sum it all up so nobody is confused here (if my Dad read my blog I'd want him to pay special attention cause he seems to hear, "no this, no that," and freaks out stops listening and calls my Doctor a quack). These results don't mean that I will have a terrible allergic reaction to any of the items on my avoid list, what he is saying is that I will feel better if I avoid them. Since I started going to the naturopath because of my lack of energy throughout the day and just general crappy feeling when I was eating no junk food, just clean whole foods, I think I will give this a shot.

So what else did we talk about?

My legs!

He set me up with some vitamins (magnesium), told me to almost over salt my foods, to lay on my back with my legs against the wall after a run and have someone massage them (any takers?!), and to wear compression socks to work. All of this is to stop cramping, improve blood flow and help me heal!

I really like that when I go to see him he looks at the big picture. He doesn't just talk about one thing. He wants to make sure that anything that is off is taken care of.

He also gave me a referral for massages for my legs!

Alright this is a really long post with lots of words and not very many photos, if you've made it this far I wanted to tell you what I also did yesterday!

Checked out the race course!

Ryan and I drove up to Sequim, got lost for a while and finally found the starting spot for our race! We ran just about 2.5 miles of it. Really flat farm land, kind of boring to run. But when we got back into the car and followed a little bit more of it it did look more interesting. The run felt good, but my legs were sore from physical therapy which doesn't make me happy! I'm glad I can visualize a portion of the run, maybe that will make me less nervous?!

I did take food photos yesterday but to be honest there isn't enough memory on the site to hold all of them. I may have indulged in quiet a bit of Almonds, Gluten and some dairy :) Last day of it!

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