Monday, May 23, 2011

Feel the Burn.

I don't know if I feel better or worse after my physical therapy appointment today. Right now I'm leaning towards worse with the hope that tomorrow will feel much better. They WORKED on my left leg like crazy today. I mean it. Worked. I felt worked. I feel like I have a pretty high tolerance to pain but today I had to tell them to stop. Tomorrow might mean bruises. But man did my leg need it. For the past two months they have been working almost exclusively on my right leg, but after Saturday's race it was the left one that felt it the most. Now I know why, apparently it was a big ball of knots. 

Tomorrow, if I'm feeling good, Ryan and I are going up to the race course to run the first few miles. I wont get as nervous if I can visualize a bit of the course. 

Tomorrow I will also be visualizing the Art Institute of Seattle. I'm going on an interactive tour. I don't really know what this means yet... All I know is that at 12 noon I need to be at my computer with my phone. I'm still not sure if the Art Institute is the place for me yet (maybe a different culinary school may be a better fit or a better opportunity) but I do know that everyone I've talked to about my idea has been really behind me. We shall see. It has been my experience in the past that these things seem to work out the way they are supposed to.

On to my promised food diary photos. The only one I forgot to take a picture of was my carrot snack. I ate completely normal for how I've been eating the past three weeks or so. This is my jumping off point...
Overnight Oats in a Jar. So delicious!
I also read that lemon juice in the morning is supposed to aid in digestion.
Well it was hard to swallow thats for sure.
Terrible lighting for a photo
Leftover sloppy joes on some spinach!
Dark Chocolate stick (ok sticks... I had three)
I love them with my mint tea.
I used to be addicted to Hershey's kisses with Earl grey.
And by addicted I mean I ate like ten every night.
Pre PT snack Apple and almond butter
This almond butter is from the bulk section at Central and is not my favorite.
It is way too close to what I can make at home, I like it creamier with chunks in it.
If that makes any sense.
Post pt snack
The other half of my english muffin with some Almond butter and chia seeds!
Handful of trail mix...
You know how I said I wont let myself buy tortilla chips anymore?
Well I never said I couldn't make them.
Cut up a corn tortilla. place on lined baking sheet.
Spray with olive oil and drench in salt.
Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
Flip the chips and bake for another 8 minutes.
Crunchy warm tortilla chips! With half the fat!
Ryan came over to study for our spanish class.
So far the class hasn't taught us very much except for an appreciation of cerveza...
Watermelon in a watermelon inspire bowl for dessert!
Side note... I don't know where my brain is at the past few days. I've been mixing up times and messing up words. I think I need more sleep.

OH! Tomorrow I go back to the Naturopath for my results from the allergy test! 

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