Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Racing the Rain.

Today was great. A day of random getting things done. I needed to hit reset... you know do laundry, read, and bake... the usual. I like days like today where I have very little of a schedule. The only thing I HAD to do was go to the dentist... oh fun. It actually went a lot better than I anticipated. Just a quick cleaning, and she barely yelled at me for not flossing regularly! Maybe that was because I didn't try to lie about it this time around.
It doesn't matter what time I go to sleep... I always wake up at 6 am!
Classic rolled oats with homemade granola on top!
After riding the exercise bake I had a snack!
Have I told you about these bars?!
It is called a
You Bar.
Basically you go in and pick all of the ingredients for your granola bar  (you can see the nutritional info as you pick everything out). Then you name it and they ship you a box! Custom made bars!
I would never have bought them if they hadn't had a groupon! They were like half off, but still after shipping over $20 bucks! Which is ridiculous! But a fun one time thing. I got them before lent, but because I had chosen chocolate chips I've had to wait to enjoy!
Super snacky.... While my brother mowed my lawn! I received a coupon for 5 free lawn mowings for Christmas! He didn't know what he was getting himself into! Made my day!
Since I was already on Bainbridge Island, after my dentist appointment I  walked around downtown Winslow.
They are doing construction on the road so it was completely torn up! I may have been one of about 10 people walking around at all! I spent some quality time in the bookstore! It has been far too long. I've felt very disconnected from the reading world lately... something I need to put more effort in to.
For lunch I stopped at this little hut on the corner that sells all vegetarian Vietnamese food! Not just tofu, but all sorts of other fo-meat entrees! I can't believe I worked in Winslow for a year and never tried this place out! The fake meat was almost too real! 
I decided to take my lunch away from the construction zone and found a park!
When I had left my house the clouds were heading this way! By the time I got back into my car the drizzling had resumed!
I also read a book today! From beginning to end! Just like the old days!
When I got home I had an urge to bake!
How about some vegan/gluten free/low sugar chocolate chip oat cookies...
Instead of an egg... a Flax egg!
1 T ground flax with 3 T hot water let it sit for 5 minutes!
Guess I needed some extra sugar...
Since These have everything I love and nothing all at the same time...
Maybe I'll call them free cookies? 
Bite sized deliciousness!
Delicious Free-Cookies1 1/2 C Rolled oats
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 Dark chocolate chips
1/3 C Sliced almonds
1/4 C Sugar
1/4 C Brown Sugar
2 T Earth's Balance Vegan Butter
1/3 C Homemade almond butter
1 flax egg

Mix everything together!
They don't really stick together... like hardly at all..
So I got a little creative and spooned some into my mini cupcake pan!
So perfect! The pieces were perfectly crispy and wonderful!
Bake at 350* for about 10 minutes.
I did half as the mini cupcake version and half spread flat on a cookie sheet, these would make a good bar... but crumbly! I think you could ever go for a bit less sugar on these.
Maybe a bit of GF flour would make everything stick together? I enjoyed the texture sooo much I wouldn't change much! A warning though... they are addictive!

1 comment:

  1. Elisa's Energy Bar?! Super awesome! Cool gift idea, right?? :)
