Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spotty Bananas.

I think mother nature seems to think everyday is April fools around here... no one is amused! The weather is all anybody in a coffee shop seems to talk about. I'm no different, it is totally my go to for making small talk with customers. To be honest though... I'm so sick of talking about the rain! 

I'm hoping tomorrow will bring a little bit of clearing (notice I didn't say sun, I would be satisfied with some good old fashioned rainless clouds) so that I can get outside for a little exercise and gardening! I need to prep the pots at my house and it is also time for a bit of planting in our garden beds over at Carly's! I skipped taking photos of my snacks today... If I took a photo of everything I munched on today I wouldn't have gotten anything else done!

I think the photos I did take paint a distorted picture of how well I ate...
Overnight oats!
I think they keep me full longer than regular oats...
I think because of the greek yogurt.
But they aren't as satisfying.

Busy Busy today at work! 

Dinner @ my parent's house!
My mom and I took a costco adventure....
ill advised on a Saturday afternoon....
They have fresh chopped veggies all ready for  a stir fry!
Good thing cause I was starving!
Dad's latest BPA on the side!
Half a glass pre-work out!

 Some of my most recent favorite Costco snacks! On the left: Cashew clusters (they are in no way good for you, but so addictive!) On the right: Amazing all natural tortilla chips! I love the brand name!

Do you know what this means?!!!
Banana Bread Baby!!! :)
All the reviews of my healthy Zucchini bread were positive so I'm on the bananas!
I also bought some almonds to attempt almond butter!
The cup behind is my latest purchase, a mini juicer!
Super cute in my house and the perfect size for cooking with citrus! 
I'm exhausted and want to get in a bit of reading before my eyes close!

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