Monday, April 25, 2011

Chocolate Overdose.

The nice weather we were blessed with over the last few days disappeared by this morning. Its a good thing you don't need sunshine to eat chocolate. Lent was officially over and the chocolate eating could have commenced yesterday, but since I had that slip up a week ago I still owed a day. And since tomorrow I begin my 30 vegan adventure... I basically ate enough chocolate to last the 70 days and then some!

On Friday as I left my house for a run, I got about a block away when I felt like I was missing something. My IPOD! I never run without it. I decided not to go back and test out running without it. It was such a great run! Instead of blaring my music and forgetting that I was running, I was completely involved in the run. I was very aware of my breathing and stride (also, has my knee always popped like that?!) my pace was much faster that normal. I ended up running 5K in 29 minutes (in March I during my St. Paddy's day run I did 3.1 miles in 32 minutes) I don't think I could always run without music, but it's good to know I can do it successfully! Today I was kinda sore from my hike yesterday so I only did a mini run, I think it is important to keep moving when you are feeling sore!

Today was all about CHOCOLATE! With a few side notes!
Lunch! I had some leftover pesto and decided to make an open faced sandwich.
One of the many things I love about Italians is their gift of pesto to the world!
This was a surprisingly delicious combo.
Yes, I'm 25 and still get an easter basket!
And its awesome!
Don't be jealous!
My two favorite things are Reese's eggs and cadbury chocolate mini eggs!
That giant reese's was awesome, but I like the little ones better... they have a better ratio of chocolate to peanut butter.
I was feeling the effect of all that sugar in my system so salad sounded good for dinner again!
Roaste veggies and salsa with cheddar broccoli risotto on the side! 
Remember how for my brother's birthday at the end of March my sister-in-law Carly made a Chocolate Chocolate cake?!
Well she froze a slice for me! So I got to enjoy it today! So chocolatey!
Well my 30 days of veganism begins tomorrow. I'm pretty excited! Especially after the gorge fest that happened this weekend! I need to cleanse my body!

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