Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Last Run.

Yesterday was a bad day in the relationship, today was better. After work (standing on my feet for seven hours has got to be good for healing) I headed over to my PT's office to run on the treadmill and then have him fit me in between his other patients. They worked on me today for free! My referral for an extension hasn't gone through yet. I really appreciated how hard he has worked to get me ready for race day. So today I showed up and ran on the treadmill for five miles. It was sort of weird running there, not that it doesn't have a somewhat gymish atmosphere, but because there is only one treadmill and the rest of the people there were either old or working. I was a little self conscious for the first 15 minutes but soon found my stride. He also watched my form and said that it had improved a lot from the first time they had analyzed it. After the run his assistant worked with me (massage, ultrasound, etc). Then I finally got my custom insoles! Wahoo! I'm excited. I have to break my feet in to wearing them, but they should help when I train for my next race.

Basically where I'm at right now is really in between. My leg hurts and I wish I had another few weeks to heal. The upside to all the downs during my training is that I have learned so much about myself, my body, nutrition, running, and training in general that I know next time will be a much difference experience. I also know that I can do anything I set my mind to.

Today was the last time I'll run before Sunday. It felt good. In fact it felt better while I was running then while I was cooling down or warming up (maybe I'll have to run the entire 13...). It boosted my confidence to run a little bit longer of a run, especially after yesterday's 1 miler. But if there is one thing I know for sure its that I need to go slow. Slower than I will want to go and MUCH slower than Ryan is going to want to go. I know my goal is just to finish, but I want to finish happy and excited for the challenge of another race. I'm hoping for very little pain but I'm not silly enough to think it wont be painful, a girl can dream.
These babies are the "master forms" for my insoles.
If anything happens to them they can recast them from these molds.
Have I shared this blog with you before? The No Meat Athlete  is an awesome site for runners, vegetarians and meat eaters alike. So many great tips and reviews. I'm glad my friend Nicole stumbled upon it and sent it on to me! I plan to use a lot of his tips when I start training for my next half. 

I don't call it a love/hate relationship for nothing. I know I complain A TON about running (unfair this, unfair that...blah blah blah) but I really do love it and want to continue on my journey to a full marathon someday.

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