Saturday, June 18, 2011

Resolutions and Goals Revisited.

I think it is important to remind myself of the resolutions/goals I've set for myself. Lets see how I've done midway through this year.

#1: Give more
I think I could try A LOT harder on this one. I like to think I give to those I love, but I've really fallen behind on my volunteering.

#2: Read with meaning
Since I decided 'read with meaning' meant reading whatever I felt like whenever I felt like it, I'd say I'm succeeding with this one! It is sort of crazy to me that this time last year I was finishing up book 53 of the year. Right on schedule for the 100 book challenge. This year I'm just finishing up book 15, reading with meaning also means focusing more of my time on other adventures.

#3: Take more photos and learn more about photography
I have taken soooo many photos this year! This blog has really helped me with this resolution. I ALWAYS have a camera with me. I use the excuse that it is for the blog, but I really like to look back at photos and remember, especially with my little nephew running around. That kid will not worry about remembering each outfit he wore during his first year!

#4: Run a half-marathon
Check!!!! This makes me so happy to say. I consider this my BIG resolution of the year. Last years big resolution I didn't complete, but this year I knocked it out at the halfway mark! Heck yes! And I'm all signed up to run another one before the end of the year! I love setting goals and completing them! Training is hard (mentally and physically )and its time consuming, but crossing that finish line and knowing you gave EVERYTHING you had is an amazing experience.

#5: Eat clean
This year has been crazy food-wise. I've completely changed how I look at food. I used to be a pasta and cheese-atarian. Processed boxed food was on my shelves, diet coke was in my fridge and frozen dinners in my freezer. Not anymore! I think I will call this year 'Elisa's Food Revolution!' Although I haven't cut all processed food out, I've challenged myself to make as much food from scratch as possible. I'm eating a ton more fruits, veggies and trying out new grains. All in all I'm just soooo much more aware of what is going into my body and how important the decision is. There is a cause and effect there. So sometimes I choose poorly, but at least I know it! No one is perfect, but you can always strive to be better.

Life goals: Travel the world, drink more water, be more fearless, love the little things.

All I drink is water! Ok... and some tea... and the occasional alcoholic drink, but for a girl who used to down 5+ diet sodas a day, I think I'm doing pretty darn good. 

Travel the world.... This year I'm not sure what will be happening with this resolution. I went to Hawaii in January (awesome!) and will be camping this summer, but I'm not sure if my trip to Spain is going to go through or not. It seems that busy schedules and high ticket prices are dooming our chances. The good thing is that Spain isn't going anywhere and this resolution is for life! There is still a lot to see in my own country as well! (I'm looking at you East Coast!)

Fearless... If there is one example of this from this year, I'll refer you to resolution #4. Deciding to and training for a half marathon was very scary. There was so much doubt, but I conquered my fear and doubts!

I love the little things everyday:

Yesterday my nephew gave me a hug. He's almost one and doesn't give out that kind of affection very often, peeing on me is a more common response, so that one hug made my day/week.
My first strawberries are starting to ripen! Hard work being rewarded.

Best friends who you never get sick of hanging out with.

The way that my day is instantly better when I wake up to sunshine.

Mother/daughter days.

Those are some examples of the little things that make this life so beautiful. 

Here are some examples of what made today beautiful:

Attempting to make a small batch of granola in the toaster oven....
A beautiful failure! burned it... good thing I like the taste of burnt oats!
I should have been a 50's housewife.... maybe I was in a past life?
Peonies from the farmer's market
Reading in bed.... when all the laundry is done...

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