Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gnomey makes an Appearance.

I like to think of myself as a pretty nice person..... Most of the time. But after being forced at work to be nice for 8 hours straight on the last day of school for middle and high school, it can be expected that I might have a melt down at the checkout stand at Costco.... right? Wait are you thinking in your head that only 3 yr olds are allowed to have a melt down? Yeah your probably right.... maybe when I don't work in customer service I wont I hate on people so much. I'm making no promises (Sorry for making a scene Mom!)

In other news I got soooo many goodies at Costco! Did I ever tell you that it is the one store that I could live out of?! I got my usual: Bananas, tomatoes, spinach and apples. Then they tempted me with samples of dried mangoes.... do they even need to sample them out? Doesn't everyone know by now how amazing they are?!  I also tried some seaweed salad (the naturopath recommended I try to incorporate it into my diet) sweet potato fries also made it into the cart along with my new favorite food Medjool dates.

Yeah running still hasn't happened... In fact today was a complete rest day... yikes! I better get my bum moving! Sadly my bum was STILL sore from that interval class on Monday. I think I need to start doing that one all the time, I'm soooo weak!

I have the next three days off!!! Yippie! Hooray! I'm oh so happy! Tomorrow is going to be a complete Elisa day. Meaning.... I'm doing whatever I want! Which really means waking up early going to the Y.... then cleaning my house for 8 hours until I have to go to Spanish class.... I sure know how to have a good time ;)

I think I've undated you pretty well on reading, eating, and working out lately but what I've failed to update you on is my garden! (Not the one I share with Carly.... that I can't take any credit for) So here are some shots from my front yard!
First Strawberry of the season! 
Better late then never!
Rainbow Chard and Purple Cauliflower.
It looks like something has been gnawing at my leafy veggies....
any hints on what an organic farmer is supposed to do?!
There are sooo many buds! surprisingly all of this seasons and last seasons are producing!
Even my flowers are coming along nicely!
I'm really glad I left them some room to grow because they are filling out nicely.
Hey, Its Gnomey!
He first came into my life when I lived on Mason Street in Bellingham.
That first plant didn't last, but I think he has brought good luck ever since!

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