Thursday, June 9, 2011

Here is the plan stan.

If I thought that I would get a breather after the half marathon I was right. If I thought that it would be a long one... I was wrong.

26 days until the Warrior Dash.

(Oh! I need ideas for costume/outfits for me and my fellow warriors to wear. Any thoughts would be appreciated! The best one I've heard so far was for the mario cart characters... I call Peach!)

That means I need to get into a different kind of shape. I'm not worried about the 5k of running, what I am worried about is the fact that besides my legs my body is in terrible shape! I have ZERO upper body strength! The other day I attempted a pull up and all I could manage was a hang. seriously if I managed to lift my body at all it was a miniscule amount.

So even thought this race is really just about having fun with friends on a ridiculous course (and getting a free beer at the end!) I still want to be able to hold my own. So here is my plan of action to get in a little bit better shape for this race and to jump start my training for the next half marathon I'm planning on doing in September in Bellingham.

Starting Monday:
Run 2-3 times a week
3 Strength training days (probably 2 at the YMCA and one with Jilian Micheals kicking my butt with her 30 day shred and kettle bells exercise)
2-3 days of cross training (elliptical, spin class, yoga.... basically anything that is easy on the calves. I really need to let those babies heal up if I'm going to have any future with running)
1-2 rest days

I'd really really like to keep my running mileage up.... so that means 1-2 short runs and at least 1 run that is over 5 miles ever week. And that is being easy on myself. After the Warrior Dash I'll completely reevaluate the plan and focus on getting my miles much higher.

Another thing I need to focus on is what I'm eating. Towards the end of my training I became a carb junky... I rationalized it by saying I was carb loading... but I don't think I needed to be eating truck loads! If I eat better and get my core stronger I think my next race will feel even better.... oh and maybe I'll be able to walk the day after!

I am finally not terribly sore today! The blister is still epic.... but I think its going to heal itself. As for my left calf muscle. I need to do a ton more work on that baby. I am going to call my PT tomorrow to see if my second referral came through. Hopefully I can get in again. If not I feel like now I at least have some of the tools necessary to heal myself just much slower. Being injured showed me how important it is to listen to you body, take it easy when you need to and to know when to ask for help.

Are you sick of hearing about my running life? Sorry it sort of takes over a lot of my brain function. I have been reading though and will be posting soon! After Saturday I think I'll have more time to
1. read
2. mow my lawn (my landlord will be oh so pleased)
3. take more time to eat healthy meals
4. blog
5. sleep?!
6. devote some time to learning spanish (my class is still going, but I'll be honest I haven't put enough energy in to it to get anything out of it)
7. did I say sleep?

yay! that is what I'm off to do now... sleep!

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