Thursday, January 26, 2012

What's this Blog About?

The original purpose of this blog was to keep myself accountable. It all started with four little resolutions. Three of which were very obscure; be more fearless, drink more water and travel more. The biggie for 2010 was to read 100 books. So the point of this blog was to basically remember what number I was on as well as to write reviews so that I can remember which books I've enjoyed. Since then this has really become more of a place for me to write about random things that are a part of my life.

I've gone through the weekly resolution phase, the cooking phase, the gardening phase, the take a photo of everything you eat phase, the travel journal phase, the eat clean phase, and of course the search for happiness phase. But one thing has remained constant in my life, the book phase. I know you're remember those three months when I didn't pick up a book.... honestly I may take a break from time to time, but books are this girl's best friend. 

So to be honest, I have no excuse as to why I haven't written a book review since July 12, 2011. 

Maybe it's because blogging is a very phasey (not a word... I know) thing for me?

Even though I joke a lot about how only my Mom reads my blog, I know (because you've been bugging me to blog more) that other people read this. I could post the question, "What is your favorite thing I post about?" but let's just keep this thing honest, I'll probably keep writing random things that pop into my head at random times. I've tried the whole post everyday thing and it just stressed me out. Also, it made it impossible to talk to friends because I had nothing new to tell them about. Every story I went to tell them they had already read about on here!

So I guess the point of this post is to say for the thousandths time that I'm not making excuses for my lack of posting (maybe a little about the books) and that I'll try harder in the future! So stop bugging me.... and bribing me by saying you'll vote me best barista this year! ;)

Instead of starting to get caught up on the book reviews.... I'm just going to list my five favorite books from last year.

5. A Game of Thrones
This book is in a word: Epic. There are so many stories here that are masterfully woven together creating an elaborate fictional world. Read it before you watch the HBO series because they follow it almost to a T.

4. Ultra Marathon Man
Dean is superhuman. There is no other way to describe it. He runs obscene distances fueled mostly by his love of running. I think he may be crazy, but he sure did inspire me. If he can pump out over a hundred miles in a go.... I think I can make an attempt at 26.2.

3. If I Stay
You knew there would a Young Adult novel on here didn't you? You know this genre is one of my guilty pleasures. This isn't the best YA book I've read, but it was definitely an entertaining read. 

2. Born to Run
I like to run. I like to read books that inspire me to be a better runner. This book was part story and part scientific research. I'm not on board with the whole barefoot movement. I think the shoes are gross and I hate most everyone's feet.

1. Water for Elephants
This was one of those books that I couldn't put down. That made me feel like I had lost a part of myself when I read the last page. Read this book.

I guess I may never be able to answer the question of what this blog is about. I guess just my life.... filter for the internet of course ;)

1 comment:

  1. COOL!!!! Way to bend to pressure.
    Espresso Mike
