Sunday, March 11, 2012


Just to clarify...... my last post was not meant to incite people to be mean to me. Regardless of the fact that mean people motivate me to run, I would much rather live a very happy unyelled at existence. Comprede?

I have big news.

You can now classify my as a carnivore.  

Remember a few posts ago how I mentioned I've been considering eating meat again??

Well it happened.

Most of the people who I've told have been sort of shocked.... and well to be honest they also seem really excited.

So here are the facts: Naturally it occurred at the Nordstrom Cafe. With my Mom as the lone witness. I tried a tiny bite of rotisserie chicken.

I didn't die. I didn't vomit. I didn't get sick at all.

Since then I've tried little bites of other meats... Pepperoni on a pizza, a bite of pork and more chicken bites. For now that is all I'm comfortable with. Beef just doesn't appeal to me, especially ground beef. I don't see myself ordering or cooking a meal centered around meat. I can't say that will ever change, but I have been a vegetarian for so long that it is a completely foreign concept to order/cook meat.

I also want to say that I have not yet had the, "Oh my gosh! This is what I have been missing" experience.  There is not one part of me that has regretted my years of pescatarianism.

I stated a few months back that it is really difficult to put a title to anyone's eating habits. I've heard people tell me they've been vegetarian's for years, but eat bacon once a week. So I decided a while back that the only title I can honestly give myself is: Elisatarian. It's simple really.... I eat what I want. I like to randomly cut out foods (Lent, etc.) and no other title has ever kept up with me. So now that I'm sneaking in some meat I wont claim to be anything else.

You may be wondering why the sudden change. Fourteenish years of no meat.... why change now? Well it really comes down to the one thing I've been working for in my life recently: balance. I don't want to feel like there are things out there that I can't have, just because I decided when I was 11 that that was how I would lead my life. If I want a bite of meat I think it's ok for me to have a bite, I just don't want it to be a big deal. If I go the rest of my life without wanting another bite, well that's fine too. I don't want to limit myself anymore. I really want to be able to go over to a friend's house for dinner or a family get-together and not be the pain in the ass.

Another thing that I am factoring in to all these new food ideas... is the allergy test I took last year from my naturopath. I'm still taking this into consideration, especially since when I was young I had awful stomach issues. I was constantly sick and had to have a bunch of tests done which were all inconclusive. But all those issues went away when I stopped eating meat.

Now I feel I must say this..... I'm a woman. And what's a woman's prerogative? To change her mind. So yeah, tomorrow this could all change.

To all of you that got a big smile on your face or openly cheered when I told you, don't get too excited, my days of being a pain in your ass probably aren't over.

Book update:
It has been far too long since I've updated my book list! Annnnnnnnnd that's not going to change tonight. I have been reading! Just at an incredibly slow pace. Seriously, this is the longest it has taken me to finish a book in YEARS. Why you ask? Well I joined a book club. Remember last time?  Well this time I've gone and joined not one but two clubs! Luckily I'm not organizing either of them. But I am still feeling a strain on my reading habits. There is something about being told to read a book that makes me sort of not want to read it at all. Very reminiscent of high school for me. So I'm struggling, but powering on! We'll see how long I can keep this up, I sort of just want to read what I want to read!

1 comment:

  1. I see absolutely no problem with you deciding to allow meat or meat-based items into your food. Honestly, I've lost a lot of interest in labeling eating habits, although I realize it's easier for some people to say 'vegetarian' to others so that they don't end up at a dinner party with little vegetation. But I'm getting off-track. What I wanted to say is that the thing to be excited about is the fact that you are a lover of good food, so it's only natural that you would allow yourself the freedom to eat whatever is worth putting on your plate. If good food means some chicken broth, no big deal. I applaud you for discovering what gives you peace of mind. It doesn't mean that all those years suddenly go out the window, it's not like you're going to sit down with a bucket fried chicken and go to town. As you said, meat will never be a main feature and probably never something you will seriously seek out, so there is little changing about your eating habits. I wanted you to know that not everyone wants to add to the hullabaloo, some of us get it. :)
