Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I've been Nooked! What the heck does that mean?! Well my friends I've fallen into the world of the e-reader.

I've talked about my feelings towards these electronic wonders before and have always been on the fence about it. Last August's trip to Europe was a definite turning point in my feelings. I just never know how much I'm going to read during a given trip, so I ultimately bring at least three books regardless of the length of the trip (April's four day Arizona trip featured four). So my bags are always on the brink of being too heavy and my mind is always wishing I had packed that fifth book... the one I really wanted to read. I didn't read as much as I had intended on our European cruise but still lugged around a bunch of books.

My Mom reads and travels a lot so this last Christmas I talked my Dad into buying her one. He's always hated all of the hardback books that accumulate so he was happy to comply (this will make future Christmas and Birthday shopping more creative though). The biggest problem my Mom faced during our trip to Hawaii in January was that she couldn't share the books she had read with me. So for my birthday she gave me my own Nook. Now we can share books between our e-readers with ease.

I'm thankful I never ruled them out so I wont be forced to eat my words, but I am still a bit uneasy about my new toy. I can't deny the convenience and simplicity.... but I LOVE me some books. I love the feel, the smell, the act of turning a page but most of all I love my trophy shelf of books. So I offer the book gods this compromise: I will do both. I will walk the tightrope between actual books and e-readers. Brand new hardbacks will be Nooked and anytime I am traveling I will also use it, but I still want to walk the aisle of my favorite book store pick up a paperback and have my faithful bookmark keep my spot. Don't worry my fellow real-book lovers! I haven't completely gone to the dark side!

The first book I'm testing it out on is "Born to Run". I'll let you know how it goes!

Update Book 03: My Horizontal Life by Chelsea Handler
Yeah, you can basically get a gist for what this book is about based on the title. To be honest I don't really enjoy her show on E! but I found this book hilarious at times. It was the perfect beach read. Humorous, lighthearted and thinking free! This is not a book I would recommend to everyone because it is crude most of the time, but if you take it for an easy beach read I think you would enjoy it. I'll probably pick up some of her other books in future when I'm looking for an easy read with a couple of laughs. I should warn you though, this is basically a bunch of short stories and I know a lot of people like a unified book.

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