Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Yesterday as I guzzled down water at my parents house my mom made it a point to tell me that you CAN die from drinking too much water. When I hear something like this my next action is to Google it. Type in "Die Fr" in your google bar, the first suggestion it gives you is "Die from drinking too much water." Obviously this is a very googleable question. But don't worry, not only am I not drinking nearly enough water to end it all, apparently massive amounts of water must be consumed in a short period of time to cause damage. That being said, I am proud of myself for not drinking any soda yesterday and reading book number 5.

"Dear John," by Nicholas Sparks

Have you been to Barnes and Noble lately? Or, for that matter any bookstore around? Next to the new releases and staff picks, is an entire section dedicated to books being made into major motion pictures. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I like to read the book before I see the movie. So when I saw the preview for "Dear John," starring Channing Tatum I knew I would pick up the book on my next B&N trip.

First of all, I would like to say a few things about the author. "Dear John" is not the first book I have read by Nicholas Sparks, but it might be the last. What bothers me so much about Sparks is he is billed as "The world's bestselling author of love stories." I must disagree. He writes tragedies. Tragedies based on love, but tragedies nonetheless. Try not to cry when you read one of his novels. Seriously, try not to cry. It is borderline impossible.

Now, you might be thinking that is the reason why I wont be reading another Nicholas Sparks novel. But the truth lies in the lack of satisfaction I feel when I have completed one of his books. I usually get drawn into the first half where he describes the love story, but by the end I always feel like he forced the story to be heartbreaking.

So here is my recommendation for "Dear John," read it if you love a good cry and like feeling that life isn't fair. Or if you plan to see the film.

On a side note I whole-heartedly recommend "Three Weeks with My Brother," another Sparks novel. This was originally recommended to me by my Grandmother. This is a story of a trip around the world the author takes with his brother Micah. A book about family (not a lovesick couple) and it is easy to see your own in its pages. I read the entire book on a flight back from Europe and yes, just like every other Sparks novel I've ever read I balled like a baby. :)

1 comment:

  1. Have you read Lovely Bones? I don't really know if you will like it, but that book did things to me.
