Sunday, January 10, 2010

Il difficile sta nel cominciare.

Il difficile sta nel cominciare = The first step is the hardest.

For Christmas this year I received a very wonderful regift, an Italian phrase desk calendar.If there is one thing that I love most about
a new year it has to be the unveiling of a new calendar, desktop version or otherwise. Such a clean slate. it is almost like it is saying
"Here is your entire year right here just waiting for you to fill with plans, dreams,and goals." I don't always make new year's resolution,
but when I do I get pretty serious about them. Rewind to new year's eve 1998, that was the last time I ever ate read meat. I was 12 years
old, and serious about my first ever resolution. Since then I have either decided to live the year free, or made silly, easy to realize goals
for my year (like keeping my email inbox completely organized). That brings me to new year's eve 2009. After a wonderful evening of food,
games and silly conversations I went about setting my goals for 2010. Since it is a new decade I figured one resolution just wasn't enough.
So here goes:
#1 is: Be Fearless....No matter what, don't be afraid to do anything that makes me happy.
#2 is: Travel more
#3 is: Read 100 books
#4 is: Drink more water

The first thing I did was start telling people about my resolutions. I have found in the past that if I have someone who is keeping tabs on my progress I try a whole heck of a lot harder to succeed. I really enjoyed the conversations that followed. My mom said something along the lines of "I always get scared of what you decide to do because you always keep them." But for the most part it was interesting to listen to what other people have resolved to do in 2010. When I talked to my friend Nicole she told me how she plans to set weekly and monthly resolutions for herself. I have to say that I really like this idea. Every single day is a new beginning. So I decided to add that to my set of four resolutions in the form of making smaller goals that help me realize the bigger ones.

You might have noticed that my goals seem a bit ambiguous. It's true. Travel more than what? How much more water? What makes me happy? I guess the only way I can explain it is to say that I really really feel like this is going to be a year of growth and change for me and as I change my goals can change with me. But in essence, travel more than I did last year, substitute a soda out for some H2O, and figure out what makes me happy and stop giving consequences so much power.

As far as the 100 books in 365 days, that is pretty cut and dry. I have set no boundaries for this goal. I will admit that they will not all be fantastically written literature, but I do promise to keep a list that includes even the romance novels!

It is day 10 so here is the update:
1. Starting weekly goals with: Doing something out-of-character
2. Way more water intake.
3. Saving for trips to Norway and Florida.
4. Books Read:
hush hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Vision in White by Nora Roberts
Bed of Roses by Nora Roberts

1 comment:

  1. I like it, I like it a lot. Especially that part about saving money for a trip to Norway...that sounds like a really good idea.
