Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Keep the Resolutions coming.

Four resolutions, still going strong! I know it has been a week since my last update, but never fear, I have been full of resolve!

Update 1: Fearlessness
After a conversation with a close friend I discovered that I like to be in control of situations. One of the ways I control my surroundings is also one of my biggest vices: tardiness. It is true, I'm usually around 15 minutes late. I don't do it on purpose, I just tend to cut everything down to the last minute. (I'm going to be really honest right now) The reason is that I don't like waiting for people. The things that go through my head include things like "What if they don't show," "Am I in the wrong place," "Did we say a later time." I hate the feeling. But what I hate more than that feeling is that I have forced close friends and people that I love to feel that way. Not being aware of other people's feelings is selfish. Everyday I get a 'Daily thought' sent to my email here is today's:
“Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter which fork you use.”
Emily Post

When it comes to being on time, I have terrible manners. So here is another resolution for my life, be on time. In the words of a friend, "So what if I have to wait, I'm the one who was true to my word. I have nothing to feel bad about as long as I'm on time*."

Update 2: Travel More
I just found out that Europe in August is almost a done deal! My parent are planning a trip with our close family friends the Perigards. The plan is to spend 3 days in Berlin followed by a ten day river cruise. My hope is that after that I will be able to hop on a plane and visit my dear friend Lisa in Norway! Hopefully I will be able to afford it and hopefully Lisa will will be in the country!

Here is a link to the River Cruise: The Elbe

Update 3: Water consumption
Still drinking a lot (of water)! I have also cut my soda consumption down to one a day, sometimes I'll have none. I think my body is really enjoying all the H2O. I feel lighter. Not necessarily in weight, but I don't feel bogged down by everything that is in diet soda.
I think this is a good spot to fit in an update on shower times. So far all has gone well, ten minute showers everyday.... except sunday I splurged and went for 15.

Update 4: 93 books left
Book 7: Best Friends Forever "Jennifer Weiner

I believe in best friends forever. I have more than one person in my life who I can honestly say is going to be my friend until the end. So when I picked up the book "Best Friends Forever," and read the front cover, I'll admit I was excited to read it.

This is what it said:
"Best Friends Forever is a grand hilarious, edge-of-your-seat adventure; a story about betrayal and loyalty, family history and small-town secrets. It's about living through tragedy, finding love where you least expect it, and the ties that keep best friends together."

Sounds pretty great, huh? I have never read a book by this author before, but I have seen the movie "In Her Shoes," based on her novel by the same name. I am much more forgiving to mediocre movies than I am to mediocre books. This book was less than mediocre. It could have been amazing. In fact half of the book that looked back on the girl's childhood felt very heartfelt. It was the rest of the book set in present day that I found boring and lacking any "edge-of-your-seat adventure." The characters are very one dimensional. The once over-weight main character is now skinny, but still has self-confidence issues, her best friend is gorgeous and superficial. I didn't believe in their friendship, a pretty important thing when "Best Friends Forever" is the title.

I wouldn't recommend "BFF" but some chick lit I do recommend are: "The Last Summer of You and Me," by Ann Brashares and "Love the One You're With," by Emily Griffin.

As long as I read ten books in January I will feel like I am on track! The book I'm reading now has already taken me almost 4 days... Eeek!


  1. So far, so good...hopefully I will have some sort of break through with the immigration authorities within the next month or so so that you have a chance to look for some cheap(er) tickets!

    I like your thought of the day...and didn't realize that you were late all the time? How does that go over at work (haha)?

  2. Are you coming home before that too? Hopefully we will work this out in the next week or so, now they are talking about not going on that cruise, but one that goes around Norway, Sweden, Denmark, etc. The only thing that might get in the way would be if the tickets are bought in a bundle or something. But I'm pretty determined!!

    I'm never late for work! Just about everywhere else though!
