Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring in to an Update.

I haven't been in the mood to write lately. Mostly because I feel like there is too much to catch up on. Too many books I've read that I need to review, too much food I've eaten that I haven't shared... too many life events that I haven't posted. So.... I guess I'll do my usual post that blurs through the past month or so and move on to the present.

I've been reading.... barely. Of my two book clubs, one died before it even got started and the other is barely crawling along. To be completely honest with you, I'm just not made for book clubs. I've tried. I've failed. I can't count on myself or others to read the books that are chosen and if everyone does read it I tend to dislike the discussion. I prefer my blog as the venue for my rambling reviews. Not that I don't appreciate other people's views on books... but I think most of the time more than an hour discussing the book is just too much. Especially if you feel differently about the read.

The type of book club I enjoy is what I like to call the, "casual encounter club." If there was one reason I worked at a coffee shop for so long.... this was it. I loved the 30 second book recommendations. I loved the old ladies who came in 4 days a week with their books ready to sit around a table and just read. I loved the girl who worked down the street who could probably read a book faster than me (not that I'm bragging, but when I put my mind to it, I can bust out a book pretty quick) and she read read lots of smutty romance novels.

That's the biggest thing I've missed since starting my new job at the restaurant. Besides a minor, hilariously unfortunate incident....I'm really liking my new job. Learning something new is always simultaneously refreshing and frustrating. Luckily I'm starting to get the hang of it now. The things I thought I would hate about my job, like working nights, are actually kinda great. I'm embracing the change.... mostly because I'm working less hours and making more money. But my heart still belongs to coffee and I look forward to filling in on random days to see my favorite customers.

The last few days have been filled with sunshine. When you mix Sunshine and the month of May the likely outcome is going to be gardening! Last year I felt like I only put half my heart into planting, but this is starting out fantastic! I've ran out of dirt twice now! I decided to focus on what I enjoy the most (flowers) and only plant minimal amounts of everything else (fruits, herbs and veggies).

Days like this that are filled with little bits of happiness are my favorite....

In other news I've been failing pretty fantastically with running. I'm just not feeling it lately. My training has dwindled. But I'm not giving up!!!! I'm just postponing. My running/racing partner has had an even worse time lately, so together we've decided to run a half-marathon in June and move our full marathon date to September. So although I'm kinda bummed I wont run my marathon in Sequim, I'll still be completing my resolution by running 26 miles while I'm 26. A pretty big part of me wants to postpone it even further and run it in January at Disney World.... but I think I'll fight that part of me ;)

In food news.... I've been eating meat..... Specifically I've been having an affair with bacon. My newest food obstacle will be trying to stay away from eating restaurant food all the time.

So here are some current goals:
Focus on eating clean.
Read, Review, Repeat.
Run. Run. Run. Run. Freaking Run.
Regularly water all those freaking plants!

So there is your quick update. Hopefully I'll be back soon!

1 comment:

  1. I bet you're spending too much time with your boyfriend, and that's why you're not getting everything done that you want to get done. But I'm sure he doesn't mind. In fact, he's probably a little jealous of bacon.
