Thursday, May 31, 2012

If You Have a Choice.... Choose Happy.

I have a ton of stuff to do today and not enough time to do it! Is it just me or is time going by sooooooo fast lately? I feel like I can't keep up!

Reminds me of one of the Happiness Commandments: The days are long but the years are short.

Yesterday I got to work and complained to Jessica, one of my coworkers and best friends, that I was in a grumpy mood and was having a bad day. She told me to get over it. All the little stuff I was complaining about didn't add up to anything big. She was of course correct. I was just being a big complainer. It is always good to have someone there who can tell you how it is when you need a little reminder. So I thought about how I have more things to be happy about than I do to be sad about and my mood did get better. So here is a list of things that make me a happy person if later on today I get too caught up in the things that don't matter:

My keep it happy list of the day:
1. I have awesome people around me! A supportive family, a loving boyfriend, awesome friends.
(I feel like I don't even have to list anything else. NOTHING is more important than that one item)
2. I have a job that pays my bills.
3. I'm young and healthy.

(That makes me want to reread, The Happiness Project)

As far as an update goes....

I think I have been pretending that I don't have a half-marathon this weekend. I mean.... I've been making some of the preparations for the weekend and everything, but my mind hasn't fully accepted that the time is almost here. I guess that was until this morning, when I started to get nervous. This always happens before a race, I begin to doubt myself. Then I talked to my friend Ryan who is running the race with me and felt a tiny bit better. If nothing else, we are both unprepared!

The thing that I know will keep me going is knowing that my Mom, Dad and Brian will be along the way providing moral support and red vines :) It is seriously the best motivation. Knowing they could be just about anywhere on the trail will make me overcome those times when I just want to walk (or lie down in a ditch). Today I'm going to do my final run before race day. I'm shooting for five miles. It was supposed to be yesterday, but yesterday wasn't a good day and what I need is a confidence building run!

In gardening related adventures... things are going very well! My garden last year was a bit of a disappointment. I waited too long to plant then never really got in the habit of actually taking care of everything.... then was sad when my plants didn't thrive.

This year is a bit different. I had everything planted almost on the same day I bought them, and things are starting to look pretty strong! As with every year I've lived here I've begun my war on snails. They suck. I hate them. They are disgusting. So I am off to my local coffee shop to pick up some coffee grounds to spread around my vulnerable lettuce and peas which seem to be the latest victims of snail violence.

Check out all the blooms I have on this strawberry plant! This particular plant has overwintered twice!

In reading news.... I have been reading and not updating my list. Which is something I need to get going on. I love having a list of all the books I've read, it's nice to be able to go back and see when exactly I read which books. I would also like it to be my goal for June to catch up on my reading blog entries and get back to what this blog started as: a place for me to review!


  1. awesome garden! and I need a new book to read, do you have any suggestions?

    1. Thanks! Yes! I have lots of recommendations! Depending on what you're looking for:
      Love Walked in- Marisa De Los Santos
      The Poisonwood Bible- Barbara Kingsolver
      The Book Thief- Markus Zusak
