Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sunshine and Vampires.

I am blogging in the sunshine! Sitting in my back yard, listing to the creek that runs just behind my house. There isn't a cloud in the sky. Today is supposed to be warmer than yesterday. All I can think is "Welcome summer! We've been waiting for you, and not so patiently I might add." I can truly enjoy the weather today because my lawn is mowed. I know in the past I've complained that laundry is my least favorite chore, but I must admit that it has been bumped from that list by lawn mowing. Mostly because I share part of the green stuff with my neighbor, so whenever he cuts his down, I look like a slacker. Also because conditions have to be near perfect for me to even consider getting the mower out. Not too hot, not too cold, and the glass can't be too wet. So needless to say when I finally get around to it, the grass tends to be around knee length. But! last week the conditions were near perfect and so today I can soak up some rays (with some sunscreen on of course) and enjoy my little backyard of tranquility. As always I seem to have amassed several books to update you on! Even though it has been a whirlwind of a few weeks where sleep has barely ever reached the recommended eight hours, I have still been reading like a mad woman! We can celebrate passing the 50 book mark and the 182 day mark! Where has this year gone?!!!

Update Book 54: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
You know when you are driving down the street and all of a sudden you think to yourself, "I don't remember anything about this drive. How did I get here?!" You aren't sleeping or having a seizure, you are just spacing out. You've made the trip so many times that you just forgot to pay attention. I'm sure that if you needed to react to a traffic situation you could have, but for the most part you are just going through the motions. This happened to me last week as I was driving to my brother's house to see my baby nephew. Instead of keeping on the highway, I made the turn to my parent's house completely out of habit. This is how I feel about my reading experience with Stephenie Meyer's new novella. I read it because I was on my way to see the newest in the Twilight Saga, "Eclipse." For all the excitement I received from reading it, I could have been asleep at the wheel. I was just going through the motions. It wasn't well written, nor did it add to my "Twilight" experience. Basically it was a waste of time. At 178 pages I even considered not adding it to my list. I decided to just because I felt cheated out of the time I could have been spending reading something of substance.
After watching the movie (Yes I went on opening night. I received free tickets, so how could I not?!). My cousin and I decided that this book was written for the sole purpose of having the movie make sense. If Stephenie Meyer hadn't published it, the director would surely have been criticized for taking such liberty with the original story.
All of this being said, when I originally read the books I was smitten! I loved the original "Twilight" novels and would recommend them. I think what has happened here is an author became too famous and thinks her work is more important than it really is. But alas, I contributed by purchasing this book.


  1. I am apparently out of the Twilight bubble. I have not heard anything about this book. Do I need to read it before I see the movie?

  2. No! You don't need to. The only thing I appreciated was that it refreshed my memory of "Eclipse," but other than that it was a total waste of my reading time!
