Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hot town, summer in the city

I used to pride myself on being an every season kind of girl. I liked each one for a different reason, at one point I might have even told you that Winter was my favorite (with skiing, christmas and my birthday.) but, as I've gotten older it has become clear to me that this is no longer true. What I actually enjoy is the changing of the seasons. The first month or so of a season when the air becomes a bit brisk as the leave turn, or theChristmas spirit is in the air, or when everything begins to bloom. The one thing I never get sick of? Summer. Sure, I can image I would hate to live in a world of perpetual July, but I don't think I would mind an extension of the warm months. I guess you could say here in the Pacific Northwest we appreciate good weather a bit more that other places do.

I know I've said all of this before, but I just can't get over how good I've felt since Summer hit! I am actually going to admit that I'm sad to be taking a trip in August. Why we never plan anything for the grey month of January is beyond me! Some favorite photos from Summertime past:

A good Summertime quote:
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want."
-Bill Watterson, "calvin and Hobbes"

Update Book 57: Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin

I know I already mentioned this book in my summer reading list, but I feel I should expand upon my thoughts. Obviously since I recommended it for a beach read, I liked it.

This is the story of Tessa and Valerie. Tessa is Nick's wife, Valerie is the woman he cheats on his wife with. The chapters switch back and forth between the two women. Sometimes I hate this style, but in this book it was done well. All of Tessa's chapters are from the first person, while Valerie's are from a narrator. I felt that this was an interesting way of writing a novel about infidelity. If it had been only from one of their perspectives it would have been easy to villainize the other. As it is, you (for the most part) understand where both of them are coming from.

Emily Giffin has a way of completely captivating me. Her novels usually involve some sort of infidelity. They are about how difficult a relationship can be and how easy it is to let temptation in. What I enjoy most about her books is that they are quick reads. What's unique is that Giffin also has the ability to make you feel really connected to the characters. I couldn't put this one down.

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