Every morning I receive a daily quote via email. I always look forward to them. Some are inspirational, others motivational, but my favorites are ones that makes me say, "Exactly! That's what I think!" These are some recent favorites.
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." -Anais Nin
"It's not the tragedies that kill us, its the messes." -Dorothy Parker
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." -Virginia Woolf
"No one has ever become poor by giving."-Anne Frank
"Ah Coffee. The Sweet Balm by which we shall accomplish today's tasks." -Holly Black
"Be yourself. Who else is better qualified?" -Frank J. Giblin II
Today I....
Changed a lightbulb, made a Dr. appointment for my shins, made a dentist appointment for a cleaning, cleaned out my email in box, washed dishes, wrote cards to friends, went paperless on all my bills, haggled my way into saving $36 a month on my comcast bill, paid those bills, dusted, and hung a photo all before lunch (all the calling took up a chunk of time!) I felt very accomplished! There is definitely an upside to having a day off in the middle of the week, I can get so much done!
After Lunch was all about running errands... I wish I could have actually run them! Instead I decided to get my exercise in the form of walking. Killing two birds with one stone.... Overall I walked about 3.5 miles and the weather held out the entire way!
Ten Layer Oats looking out on the gloomy day!
This was the most amazing mix I've ever made for oatmeal!
It was really more of a dessert than breakfast, but all the sugary stuff was in moderation
so I don't feel too bad about it!
Have you ever had a seven layer bar? Sometimes they call it a magic bar.
This reminded me of one of those... without the chocolate!
I can't wait to make 11 layer oats after easter! ;)
The Layers:
1/3 C Oats
1/3C Milk
1/3 C H20
Topped with:
4 butterscotch chips
1 chopped walnut
1/4 a meringue
Coconut spinkles
8 grams almond butter |
Have I mentioned I don't have microwave anymore?
This is how I heated up my lunch!
I love my toaster oven! |
Pinto bean burger made a nice topping to a spinach salad! |
It started sprinkling right after I took this photo....
It was the beginning of my walk! |
I've been living in tennis shoes for the past few days (so unlike me!)
Trying to make my shins happy.
I've never been a fan of the white shoes/jeans combo... |
More signs of spring! |
This was right after I went to the rec center to sign up for Spanish!
I'm taking a beginning Spanish class beginning April 14th.
I took Spanish is HS but don't remember anything!
I look so happy because I saved $5 on the class fee because I live in the city limits! |
Next stop....
The library!
Today was all about saving money!
I didn't have any books in mind, but somehow ended up with all of these!
You may remember my library rant from a year ago...
Well the truth is, I can't really fit anymore books into my little house
And if I am going to save money for my Spain/Italy trip I better count those pennies! |
Dinner Time!
My meal plan came in handy today, I came home from the library famished!
I looked on my sheet and found that I was making Rosemary Spaghetti from myBook Club Cookbook
This recipe is based on the Da Vinci Code...
Lots of herbs (rosemary, oregano, basil, bay leaves).
But the best part was the touch of chili powder and tobasco that gave it a kick! |
Comfort food! |
1/4 C Five ingredient ice cream with a bunch of berries! |
Today proved that sunshine doesn't have to be involved to have a truly fantabulous day (but it helps so much)!!! |
So exciting that you signed up to take a Spanish class! Good for you!