Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Are you on Facebook? Have you opened any links lately that have detailed how as a society we need to unplug, to limit our screen time. In the past two days I've read two articles that have sparked some thought bubbles. (I must admit that I've usually found these articles by scrolling through my news feed and reading them on my three-inch iPhone screen.)

The first article is about the need to appreciate the people who are in our lives that are actually in the room. Your phone is not the most important thing sitting next to you, your significant other is. About a week ago Brian and I went out to lunch at our favorite Pho restaurant. At the table next to us was a family of four, all of whom were glued to their phones. Not talking to each other or enjoying each other's company.

I think that I am pretty good about this one. I usually keep my phone put away during meal time, but there are other times when I'm a little too dependent on checking my Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest. I also used to read A LOT MORE, but some of my reading time has gone to screen time. So in the interest of one of my resolutions for 2014 I would like to limit my screen time. The best way to get me reading more and scrolling less is to try not to use my phone at night before I go to bed. This will probably help me sleep better and have fewer weird dreams about people I have only seen on Facebook within the past ten years.

Check this article out if you want to feel guilty about neglecting your significant other:

My favorite thought from the second article I read was the idea that some moments are sacred. Why interrupt a beautiful moment cuddling with your nephew so that other people can know how stinkin' cute your nephew is?! I love photos and capturing moments, but there are some moments that you really just need to feel and appreciate. What I liked about this article was that it went to the root of why we post these things for other people to see and how much better it actually serves ourselves to savor the moment than it does to exploit the moment. This is something that is a challenge to me because I do want everyone to know how wonderful my boyfriend is or how cute my nephews are. It is also difficult not to see everything posted on Facebook as sort of selfish calls of attention. We all love attention but I think a little censorship on private moments is a good thing.

Here is the link for the second article:

All this being said I'll probably still use my phone too much and post too much to my Facebook and Instagram. It wouldn't be something I had to type on my blog if I didn't need something to stay accountable to!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Resolutions.

Last year was pretty awesome.... 2014 has a lot of living up to do! I already have some amazing things planned, but lets get down to the nitty gritty. It's resolution time!

Here are the resolutions I've had since creating this blog:

#1: Run for fun. Don't get injured. Run another half-marathon.
#2: Read for fun.
#3: Show more love. 
#4: Plan a trip somewhere I've never been.

#2: Make chores a priority
#3: Save Money
#4: Eat out less often

#1: Give more
#2: Read with meaning
#3: Take more photos and learn more about photography
#4: Run a half-marathon
#5: Eat clean

#1 is: Be Fearless....No matter what, don't be afraid to do anything that makes me happy.
#2 is: Travel more
#3 is: Read 100 books
#4 is: Drink more water

Life Resolutions:
Travel the world, drink more water, be more fearless, give more love the little things.

Some of these resolutions I've checked off with success, while others seemed to fade as the year went on. Most of them have caused me to lead a healthier and happier life. Take 2010's Drink more water. I made that resolution because I had a serious problem with diet soda. Like 7ish a day. No joke. While I still on occasion drink a soda, I now drink primarily water. I actually don't remember the last time I drank a soda! While being fearless is something I will always struggle with, my resolution to run a half-marathon was a success and I found a love for running!

So here we go for 2014! The list of things that will determine my goals for not only my coming year, but also set in motion things that will affect me for the rest of my life. 

#1: Read 30 books.

Yes that is an arbitrary number. Its challenging enough because it is as many books as I've read in the past two years combined, but also completely attainable if I set my mind to it. 

#2: Stretch.

This is such an important resolution for me. Even through training for 3 half-marathons I've never been a dedicated stretcher. I know there are many views on how important stretching is or isn't, all I know is that my muscles need it and feel better when I do it. It could possibly be the only way I get back to achieving my exercise goals. So yoga here I come. 

#3 Sign up for a race.

Any distance. I just need to get back into racing again! I love the challenge and need to get a jumpstart! I also believe this resolution will set me up for an even bigger 2015 running resolution. 

#4: Blog at least once a week. 

Don't roll your eyes! I can do this! I just need to make it a habit. Also, If I'm reading more it will be easy to at least put a book update in! 

So there you have it, 2014's resolutions. All completely doable! Watch out 2014 I'm coming for you!

That was a good year.

A little more than four years ago I started this blog with a pretty simple idea in mind, to read 100 books in 365 days. From that idea came the desire to set resolutions (goals) to challenge myself to become a better person. Within the past few years I've reached many of those goals and have continued to set new ones along the way. All with the idea that there are always things to learn, habits to break, and new places to see. Although I haven't kept blogging as regularly as I may have hoped, I still enjoy looking back on the things I've accomplished through this online journal. 

With the new year upon us it is time to look back on the year 2013. It was certainly a year of adventure! It was filled with travel, new family members, and a continued journey in discovering myself. 

At the beginning of 2013 I set these resolutions:

#1: Run for fun. Don't get injured. Run another half-marathon.
#2: Read for fun.
#3: Show more love. 
#4: Plan a trip somewhere I've never been.

If I only remember one thing from 2013 it will be the incredible trip I took to Malawi, Africa. The journey didn't begin when I stepped onto the plane on August 11, it began when I decided to sponsor a little boy named Mphatso. Although I had never dreamed of traveling to Africa, I couldn't deny this wonderful opportunity to challenge myself in ways I'd never imagined. Taking myself completely out of my comfort zone I began asking people to help me get to Africa. At the time this was so very difficult for me, but I was so humbled by the outpouring of generosity from family, friends, coworkers, and even strangers. 

That brings me to my third resolution, to show more love. I guess I can't really judge for myself if other people felt more of my love this year or now.... but I can say that I have never felt so much love. 

Seriously my heart is bursting with it!

While in Malawi we had several task, my priority was to take photos that would then be used to tell the stories of the children we were interviewing in Children of the Nation's programs. Although snapping photos was important I really believe just being there to hold a child's hand, play soccer with them and give them a hug (aka: showing more love) was the real reason we were there.

Traveling to Malawi certainly checks off resolution number four from my list, but I was also blessed to do some more traveling during 2013.

Kauai in January.
California in May.
Paris in August.

Resolutions #1 and #2 were not as fulfilled as my other two. I still struggle with knee pain when I run. I think I've discovered part of the problem is my weak core. I need to strengthen my hips and abs to better support all the tendons going to my knees and ankles. As they say, everything is connected! My days of half-marathoning are not over!! If it is important enough for me, I will find a way to come back from this injury!

As for the reading resolution... Maybe I was a little too lenient with myself. I feel pretty disappointed with my showing for the year. Maybe I'm still a little burned out, but I would like to make reading more of a priority for the future!

Some other things that filled my time and challenged me this year....

 My garden was the best it has ever been! Consistent watering and lots of love really paid off this year! Seriously, look at that tomato!

I also began a little business for myself. On top of my full time job I've also become a stylist for Stella & Dot. This has definitely challenged me to get out of my comfort zone!

So there ya have it folks! 2013 in a little nutshell. So many more amazing things happened! I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for me!