Friday, February 1, 2013

38 years. All You Need is Love

Lately I have been feeling extremely blessed. It seems like all the pieces of my life are falling into place at the same time. I can't help but believe that God decided that right now was the time to answer all my prayers.

Yesterday Brian and I took my parents out to a nice dinner as a thank you for bringing us on an amazing tropical vacation to Kauai, Hawaii. It was nice to treat them for a change, they do so much for me. After dinner I got to thinking.... What if I was still me, but had grown up in a different situation with different parents? What if I had been raised in a family that couldn't afford braces? What if I didn't have a Mom who told me I was beautiful and wanted to spend time with me? What if my Dad wasn't kindhearted and the best man I know? It's obvious I wouldn't be the same woman I am today. I also know that I would not be anywhere near as happy as I am right now.

Today, February 1st, 2013 is my parent's 38th wedding anniversary. We live in an culture where divorces are as common as births and I have been blessed to have been raised by two people who have set a wonderful example of what a marriage should be.

So today I'm feelings lucky, blessed, and proud to be a part of such an amazing family.

All because two people fell in love.

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