Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Give or take a few missed photo opportunities, the last post was everything I'd eaten Monday-Friday of last week.  I'd like to make this a more common challenge for myself. It keeps me VERY aware of the food on my plate.

I haven't really done a book update in months. To be honest I've been a very lazy reader. Twelve books. That's it. That is all I've read this year. I don't remember the last time my number was so low. I'm kind of embarrassed about it. What makes it worse... is that three of them are smutty romance novels! I just don't feel like committing myself to books right now. I'm reading.... just very slowly. So for now I'm hoping that soon I will feel inspired to spend more time reading!

Maybe if the sun came out I'd feel the need to spend all of my free time hanging out on a beach blanket in my bikini reading book after book. Looking outside that seems like a dream further away than winning the lotto.

I'm actually willing to bet some of my hard earned money that if the sun came out I'd be more inspired to do lots of things on my to-do list!

Like run more?

I'd love to!!!!! But.... I've been having some knee pain. It wasn't a big deal until last week when it stopped me mid-run. I was at mile three and suddenly running wasn't an option. I took a few days off but it is still kinda bugging me. I haven't been able to complete my long run in two training weeks. I'm freaking out a little. Yesterday the chiropractor told me that it seemed like I had strained my IT band. A tendon that runs from your hip to your knee. A very common running injury. Ok tendons, here's the deal. I'm sick of you getting warn out! This running thing puts a lot of strain on the body! So for now I'm taking it easy for a few more days... stretching like a maniac.... busting out my foam roller and praying for the best.

The marathon is less than three months away. There is no time for injury!!!!

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