Things are certainly blooming around these parts.
I personally think we could use a lot more sun and a lot less rain!
Maybe if I make a promise to water my garden really really well.... then the rain will stop?!
Really, I'll do it!
I'm really loving how my garden is looking this year!
And the guy who mows my lawn :)
I really think these snapdragons might be one of my favorite flowers!
I'm having trouble with a couple of the varieties I planted. I'm confused because the soil is the same and they get basically the same amount of water.
Either the snails/pests are a problem or the plants I bought at Walmart just aren't the same quality as the ones I got from the nursery!
Growing up my Mom always had Fuschia plants.
And every year a bird would nest in one of those hanging baskets.
I've had a hanging Fuschia every year I've lived in this house...
And this year a bird built a nest in it!
So neat right?
Well... sort of.
It makes watering/pruning/enjoying the plant a little nerve racking!
There is nothing that gets my heart pumping quite like being dive-bombed by a squawking bird!
This is my peony from last year.
It came back!
That in itself is a miracle.
But wait....
Peonies are supposed to have beautiful flowers right?!
What the heck!?
Possibly the soil is too acidic or not acid enough?
Where are the blooms?!
Something else that came back from last year?!!
My blueberry plants!!!
Although it looks like there are a few blossoms....
I'm just happy it is still living!
Some of my favorite plants in my yard are the ones that just pop up on their own!
There seems to be lots of blooms on my strawberry plants....
I'm hoping we get some warm weather so they turn into fruit!
That warm weather is also needed for my tomatoes to turn red!
Look at my peas!!!
They are growing and beginning to latch on to the bamboo I placed for them to climb!
Bees love lavender.
This is one of my favorite things.... Last year I put a lot of the dirt from my pots in this spot...
And this year some snapdragons started growing!
So there is a garden update.
I had a lot of fun taking all of these photos.
Taking out the DSLR is always more fun then my point and shoot or my camera phone.
Even if it isn't as convenient!
Makes me want to make it more of a priority.