It's no mystery what motivates me.... SUNSHINE! Bah! I love it. It loves me. I want to run away with sunshine and live happily ever after. This past week in the northwest has been gorgeous. Perfect weather to get motivated. When I think back on the times in my life that were exceptionally great most of them include blue skies and sunshine.
Look at this cute little thing I found on pinterest! This is kinda how I feel this week! |
I've had some fantastic runs this past week. I've honestly felt great on every run. I think I may have found a winning combination for my training... run less. Sounds silly and counterintuitive but I really think this may work for me. If you read my blog through most of last year you'll remember
how difficult my training was for my first half-marathon. Not exactly difficult in the, "I'm training so hard I'm kicking running's ass," way.... but in the, "I've run too much and now I'm injured, but I keep running and I hurt worse and I wanna cry," way. When I committed to running it was no half-ass thing, I went all out, ran almost everyday. So of course it was too much too soon and I ended up in the doctor's office. I've learned soooooooo much in the past year. I've read a bunch of running book, blogs, and magazines. But mostly, I've just been listening to my body. What it comes down to is simple really: I can't run every single day, I need more than a few hours to recover. Wow! All those tears and all that pain came down to that little sentence. I've said it a million times.... I'm in a relationship with running. It took me some time but I think I've got running figured out.
You know when you feel like everything is going your way? The sun is out, you slept amazing, the coffee is good and you can't think of a thing to complain about?! That's me this week..... I actually find that right around the second week of February every year I feel this way ;)
I haven't made oatmeal in forever! I think I must have forgotten how easy it is to whip up!
The start of Birthday Week 2012 has been pretty fantastic..... Five stars even :)
Yay! For pictures! I know how much you've missed my oatmeal shots! Sometimes I think about going back to taking shots of everything I eat again. Then I remember how weird everyone thought I was....
Speaking of eating.... within the past three months or so I've been thinking about eating chicken. THINKING. As you may have remembered.... I haven't eaten beef since sixth grade and chicken since eighth grade. Any thoughts???
Dudette, I had no idea that your a vegetarian! I joined that club in approx 1956 after my Grandfather took my on a tour of a meat packing plant in Idaho. But....... if you've got to eat, make it grand and worth it. So I'd hold out for Chicken Kieve. Butter, garlic and deep fried. What's not to love, Also a nice bottle of wine to cut the garlic taste, not the chicken.
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