The longest day of the year was one of the quickest! Usually when I work in the afternoon it drags on, but since I was a training a new girl it zipped by!  |
It is so hard to go to Central Market and NOT get Pizza!
This Salad was pretty monstrous and delicious though....
I went to lunch with my friend Megan who said it looked terrible.... but I take that comment with a grain of salt because she is also the girl who takes the tomato and lettuce off of her white bread roast beef sandwich smothered in mayo.
Coconut water for electrolytes!
When I made plans with Megan I made sure to pick a place that would have a food option that stuck to the plan!
I did pretty well today! The only time I veered off was for an after work apple and sunflower seed butter.
And if your going to go off plan... not a bad thing to do it with! |
Even though my legs were hurting today...
I still walked to work!
I couldn't waste this day!
Has the first day of Summer ever been this nice in the PNW? |
This yard has sooo many beautiful peonies that are blooming right now! |
They are definitely one of my favorite flowers ever! |
This week my goal is to keep my house tidy... meaning not piling things up (dishes, laundry, magazines, mail, shoes....). This is a part of my
Secrets of Happiness Commandments: Outer order contributes to inner calm. I haven't been actively practicing my commandments and I think it is time to bring these back into my life! Instead of weekly goals that sometimes make me discouraged, I feel like the commandments are always uplifting. They motivate me to try harder....
Off to sleep! Back to work at 6 am.... urrgggghhh... The bright side is I'm off by 2:30! Hoping for a sunny afternoon!
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