I have... today actually. When I was walking home from the library. This weather is going to give me a seizure! The good news is that I was not deterred from
running walking my errands today! It felt good to be outside even though it was a bit brisk and drizzly. Did you know it is National Library Week?! I didn't either until I went in today and saw the sign. It was another successful trip. What I like about the library is that there is never any tough decisions. You can just check out all the books you want and not worry about cost! Plus, I'm totally counting walking with 4 heavy books as my weight baring exercise of the day.
Sometimes I wake up really thirsty and nothing sounds better than some citrus! |
I think the other day I mentioned adding other things into your oatmeal besides bananas.
Today I made pumpkin oats!
So savory and delicious.
The Mix:
1/3 C Rolled Oats
1/3 C Pumpkin from a can
1/3 C H20
1/3 C NF milk
Dash of cinnamon and pumpkin pie mix
Topped with vanilla meringue and pecans!
I used to have the biggest problem with keeping track of my spices.
I buy almost all of them in Bulk so I end up with all of these tiny baggies.
Now I keep them in clear page protectors in a binder.
Everything is nice and alphabetized so I can find them easily and know when I'm out of something! |
Then the binder goes with my other oversized cooking books! |
Pre-Walk Snack! |
Post-walk snack,
SOOOO yummy.
I had pizza on the brain, but somehow it melded into this...
Toasted pita with tomato, pinto beans, peppers, pepper jack cheese, arugula and sprouts.
I put all the toppings in the toaster over for about 5 minutes then topped with the lettuce.
Amazing and pretty filling! |
I was also excited to run today! I warmed up with some stretches and 20 minutes on the stationary bike then hit the treadmill. I'm still hesitant to do too much and hurt myself, so I did 2.75 miles today. The first mile was a 12 minute mile and I could barely feel any pain. So I amped up the second mile to 11 minutes. The last half mile was a 10 minute mile. Pre-injury I was running all my miles at at least 10 minute miles. As I increased my speed I did notice more pain. I'm not sure if that was attributed to the speed or the length of the run. I was also VERY conscious of my feet placement, how hard I was striking and my rotation. After my run I went in to talk to my Mom and she said that usually when I run it is very loud in the family room, but this time she couldn't even tell I was on the treadmill! Why didn't anyone ever tell me I was such a heavy runner? I have very little pain today but tomorrow will be the true test.
After my run I rushed back home to shower and change and head to my Auntie Trese and Uncle Frank's for dinner! Family birthday extravaganza!
Appetizers! The cheese on the far right was soooo amazing!
I could have finished off the entire block myself.
I forgot to ask what it was exactly....
But I did hear it is a type of cheese from the region in England my cousin Rebecca's husband is from. |
I would never leave my kitchen with this view!
My aunt and uncle recently renovated their house and it is AMAZING!
I love their kitchen. |
My Auntie Trese is an amazing hostess and cook!
Clam linguini!
It is a family favorite that I have been craving!
I need to get this recipe! |
Beautiful food... Beautiful view... |
Silly children... |
Moist delicious cake... |
Beautiful family... |
Such a good night! |
Happy Birthday to all the March/Aprilers!
I have something to admit. I'm terrible. My Uncle Frank got a new espresso machine and without thinking I tried a sip of my cousin's Mocha. 9 days until the end of Lent and I blew it! The only thing that makes me ok is that I didn't do it on purpose..... Carly said that I didn't even have to tell anybody, but I guess I do Lent every year for myself and I feel so guilty! bah....
We also discussed chia seeds tonight and my mind literally went blank when I was trying to think of things to put them in besides oats. How about Cereal, yogurt, baked goods, salads, pasta sauces.... None of those came to mind, but all would be good! Here is a link with all sorts of ideas: Chia |
Forgive yourself on that mocha ;)