Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I can't believe that September 28th was the last time I updated my blog. I was doing so well for such a long time! I really think it is this time of year that does it to me. I get so busy I don't have enough time to sleep, much less blog! I'm going to make a conscious effort to get back to it! I'm not sure if I lost all my readers or not, but I know I can count on my Mom to start checking it again. :)

So you know how much I like making lists, right? Well here are my major reasons/resolutions for my renewed blogging:

1. So everybody will quit bugging me about not blogging. (Not that I minded the bugging, it made me happy to know that people missed reading it!)
2. To keep myself accountable to my resolutions. (Since I haven't been taking photos of everything I've been eating... I've been eating terribly! Not cooking at home and eating things that I shouldn't be! I also need to refocus my marathon training, book reading, and general life improving.)
3. So I can remember what I've read.

So I'm not going to guarantee daily updates, but I would like to commit to more that once every three months!

Coming soon: Look for a really long post with lots of photos since September!

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