Monday, June 14, 2010


I've never been able to keep a journal or a diary. I might last a week or two, stop for a year start for three days then stop, it seems to be the cycle for me. Which is really a shame because it is so much fun to look back on how you felt at a given instant. How you think/feel about something can change from day to day. The thing is, I've never had the patience to keep up with it. When I started this blog, I almost promised I would tire of it soon enough. But a funny thing happened, I really enjoy it. So I plan to keep it up, most likely after the first 365 days and 100 books.

I wanted to go back and find all of my secondary resolution to create a six month update so I skimmed through all of my past posts. It was interesting to read what has changed, what has stayed the same, what I forgot, how I've succeeded or how I've failed. So here is an update to those resolutions (to be honest, some of them I had forgotten about).

Doing something out-of-character.
This was my first weekly goal. I don't remember how this worked out. I never posted about it. So I've decided to add it to this week's resolution. Why not?! There are no rules here!
Shorter shower times.
Since I made this resolution my monthly Puget Sound Energy bill has steadily had a smaller column on the bar graph. There are of course other reasons for this including the fact that we are almost into Summer. I don't always time them, but it really helps keep me in gear during the mornings.
Be on time.
I think I've definitely improved in this section. No major late arrivals. I've also realized that when I'm on time I get even more annoyed when people are late. I'm pretty sure it is one of the rudest things you can do. Since I don't think of myself as a rude person, I'm still going to try my hardest to keep this one up.
Wake up and put a smile on my face and tell myself I'm going to have an extraordinary day. No matter what!
Ok. Harder than you would think. I don't like lying and not every day is going to be so very extraordinary. BUT! A positive attitude helps anything! So to update: this one needs work. I've woken up pretty often lately with a woe is me attitude.
Give up swearing.
Nope. Not gonna happen. Worked for about half a day. Maybe less. The truth is I like swearing. Don't give me that look! Sometimes it is sooooo very necessary. I don't use them when it is inappropriate so I'm giving this up as a resolution.
Get organized.
Also a fail. Google calendar would have saved me. If I had an iphone. But I don't. I kept forgetting to update it with appointments, so it became almost useless. I still use it for Theatre stuff, but for personal stuff I've nixed it. I need to carry a planner. I need to visualize. I need to write it down. I need to be able to flip to next week and see what is coming up wherever I am not just at home on my computer.
Start a book club.
Success! Well sort of. I did start a book club. We've had two meetings about two books. But I'm nervous for our future! Two of the girls didn't finish the second book and we've delayed book three's meeting. I guess we are more of a book every two months club. I have faith in C.A.K.E club. I think once Carly has the baby and Katy finishes her interview prep we will start to have more regular meetings. At least I hope! I've so enjoyed these meetings!

So wow! Success and failure. I have some work to do! I also need to revisit my Happiness Commandments. I need to also think about making more resolutions (weekly/monthly/yearly/life.) So here we go!

Weekly: Don't eat any chocolate/ice cream/pastries from work!
Monthly: Have a total of ten blogs completed by July 1.

Update Book 51: Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia
I like getting obsessed with books. I like feeling like I can't put them down. Usually the teen-supernatural books totally get to me. I don't know why, but I eat them up! Twilight, Hunger Games, and Mortal Instruments to name a few! I liked "Beautiful Creatures." It was pretty good, but I didn't get hooked. I could take it or leave it. I'm not mad I read it, but I feel like something was missing.
Most of the time these types of novels are written from the perspective on the girl. This has sometimes frustrated me. The way the main characters end up falling for each other has never made sense. You never really understand why the guy (Edward in Twilight for instance) would fall for the girl (Bella). Well "Beautiful Creatures" puts a new spin on things. The narrator is Ethan, who is a mortal, who falls in love with Lena, a Castor (also known as a witch). The reason they come together is explained by an electric/magnetic connection between them. Which means it wasn't really explained. I thought there could have been a better story here, but if you are looking for an in-between book before all the teen-sequels come out at the end of Summer pick up "Beautiful Creatures."
Don't say I didn't warn you that this is a BOOK ONE. Which you almost have to expect when you pick up a teen book these days.

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