I'm not sure how many times I can say this, but I am so glad that I read like crazy when I had the time! I'm not nervous I wont meet my 100 book goal, but I did have a secret hope that I would annihilate it and read 120 books. This week has been pretty disappointing. I haven't finished a book! I've actually barely made any progress in my current novel. I'm not blaming the book, I'm blaming myself (maybe work, maybe the weather, but not the book.) Here are a few photos of things that have recently kept my attention away from reading!

(My little cousin's last day of preschool)

(Sounders Game)

(Brittney and Jon's Wedding)
(My garden!)
Usually I don't like to discuss my C.A.K.E club books before the actual meetings, but we have decided to restructure our club into 'a book every two months' format. Seems that I am not the only one who has been falling behind in their reading! Since waiting another month would most likely mean that I would forget most of the things I want to talk about, I have decided to review it now!
The first thing I want to say is that this is a very dark book. There are moments of extremely graphic violence. This book was also difficult for me to get into. Often with mysteries the author has to lay down a lot of details so the story will make sense. The first 100 pages are packed with lots of Swedish financial mumbo-jumbo. But, if you can get past the first 100 pages and the violence, this is a great mystery.
An easy read, this is not. I think one of the reasons is because it is "translated from the Swedish" by someone who is obviously English and not American. Some of the terms were still foreign (where there should have been a Z there was an S). One of the major revelations wasn't made clear until several chapters later because it wasn't translated at all. My final complaint about the translation is that at one point they describe the temperature outside. They use Fahrenheit instead of Celsius. Obviously this was done because American's are too stupid to understand the Metric system, but I found it very distracting. If you are going to call the trunk of a car a "boot" then why change what the thermometer says?
I just reread all of that and realize that it sounds an awful lot like I didn't like this book, but I loved it! It was a challenge to read and it was very different from everything else I've read this year. I'm looking forward to picking up the next two installments of the series and seeing the Swedish made movie.