When I was in school, I never wanted to read the assigned books. Silent reading time was basically hell. You are surrounded by all your peers and forced to be quiet for half an hour. I have always enjoyed reading, but I never enjoyed being forced to read. Instead of reading the literary classics that I was assigned, I used cliff notes to pass the chapter tests. Now I'm kicking myself, what I wouldn't give to be go back in time and do it all over again. I guess my point is that the system teachers use to get kids to read sometimes puts them off of reading altogether. I don't know if there is a solution, what I do know is that we are a society that finds time to watch TV, play video games and surf the internet, but can't find time to pick up a book. A wise teacher once told me that it didn't matter what you read, as long as you read something. It could be a magazine, newspaper, car manual, it doesn't matter as long as you were opening your mind and learning new things. So I guess my hope is that the one in four people who didn't crack open a book in 2007 didn't just get their entertainment and information from television.
I didn't realize how lucky I have been to have so many people in my life who are avid readers! I guess we will have to make up for all of those people who don't read!
If you want to read the article that inspired this rant here it is: Washington Post
Update Book 12 and Book 12 1/2: Duets by Nora Roberts
I was tempted to count this as two books. Since it is comprised of two stories that were originally published separately. But since it is a Nora Roberts romance novel I decided against it. After reading the intense book "My Enemy's Cradle," (did I mention I think you should read it?!) I needed something light to read. "Duets" is just about as light of a read as you can get. This is early Roberts, and it is obvious she has become a better writer since. Even though I knew how they were going to end, I was still entertained by them.
This is a picture I stole from one of my avid reader friends that I wanted to pass along, enjoy!